Shrouded in a thick cloud of smoke, a man pokes at a fire with a thin stick.
Eine junge Frau und ein junger Mann unterhalten sich in der Ausstellung neben einem grünen Trabi, der zwischen zwei großen Mauerteilen der Berliner Mauer steht.

From September 17, 2024

Only now!

Guided visits through the depot

To the guided visits

23rd March 2023 – end of September 2024

A Downside of Digitalisation

Photographs by Kai Löffelbein

To the photo exhibition

Permanent exhibition

Our History

Germany since 1945

To the exhibition

Entrance free of charge

Entrance to the museum and all exhibitions is free of charge.

Opening hours

Tuesday–Friday: 9 a.m.–7 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Special opening hours

Visitor Information

All the information at a glance

Museum remains open

Renovation of the permanent exhibition

We are rebuilding our permanent exhibition for you! In the meantime, there are exciting alternative offers in the museum.

More information

Only Now!

Guided tours through our depots

During the renovation work on the new permanent exhibition, we are offering guided tours of our depots. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to get to know the heart of the museum.

More Information


Take a guided tour of the exhibition with headphones

Find out more about selected highlights in our permanent exhibition with our AudioGuide. You can listen to the individual commentaries online, either at home in preparation for your visit to the museum or simply using your smartphone while here, with the free Wi-Fi for visitors.
Devices can also be borrowed free of charge from the museum Information Desk in the lobby. We hope you enjoy exploring our exhibition!

AudioGuide in English here online available.

Hand with smartphone, on the display you can see the AudioGuide for the permanent exhibition 'Germany since 1945' in the Haus der Geschichte
Guided visits
A tour guide speaking to a group at Haus der Geschichte

You wish to visit us as a group?

Why not book a guided visit for the permanent exhibition, the current temporary exhibition, or the historical sites in Bonn? Simply contact our Visitor Services for details.

To guided visits

Foreign-language guided visits at Haus der Geschichte

Foreign-language guided visits

We offer group guided visits in Arabic, Dutch, English, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Turkish. Find out the details from our Visitor Services.

To foreign-language offers