Two teenagers pose at a former border section in Berlin.
Past exhibition

Until 12.02.2023

No man’s land and model village

Photo series by Bettina Flitner 1990/2014

“What are you feeling right now?” – This is the question photographer Bettina Flitner from Cologne asks various people from East and West Germany in 1990, as she visits the fallow border strip that once divided Berlin.

Almost 25 years later, she explored the former “socialist model village” in Mestlin, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, guided by the question “What does the GDR mean to you?”.

The result is two photo reportages, that presented for the first time the tense period of upheaval in East Germany since 1989. About 60 of Flitner’s photographs are shown in the Galerie, our new exhibition area.

Black and white on the one side, colors on the other; city scenes here, landscape views there: At first sight, the two features seem to be contradictory.

The binding element is Bettina Flitner’s approach. Both projects unite compositions and quotations in a sensitive, individual way and with respect for the portrayed. She looks for upheavals, contradictions and impressions, letting them appear in their proper light. Every work focusses on the human being.

Their responses to Flitner’s questions “What is to come?“ and “What remains?” show joy, frustration, indifference, consternation, fears, hopes and disappointments. In this way, deep insights are being created into the attitude to life in East Germany since the end of the GDR. 

An English translation of the answers can be accessed via QR code in our exhibition.

Zwei Jugendliche posieren bei einem ehemaligen Grenzabschnitt in Berlin.
Ältere Frau steht auf einer grünen Wiese inmitten von Wäscheleinen, an denen bunte Kleidungsstücke hängen.
Junger Mann in pinkfarbenen ärmellosem Top sitzt auf Motorroller. und schaut in die Kamera.
Ein Mädchen steht vor einem grauen Haus, neben ihr befindet sich eine sich offensichtlich nicht in Betrieb befindende Telefonstation.
Eine Personengruppe bzw. Familie mit Kinderwagen steht vor einer Baustelle
Ausstellungsplakat "Niemandsland und Musterdorf". Fotoreportagen von Bettina Flitner 1990/2014


We present the exhibition "No man's land and model village. Photo series by Bettina Flitner 1990/2014" in the 02/2022 publication of our museum magazine.

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